The Open Dosa

Consuming the Ordinary Differently

Talk on health goes viral

 “Treat your body better than you treat your car”, Dr Nandita Shah said whilst her session on ‘Real health, No medicines’. Establishing that food is fuel, she talked about her organization SHARAN which stood for Sanctuary for Health and Reconnection to Animals and Nature. She shared case studies that became success stories.

Dr Shah believes that the society has outsourced health and made people lethargic in taking care of themselves when there is a pill box readily available. She is confident that the key to solving any problem is to find the causality and highlighted the statement, “Health is in your hands”.

“Have you ever seen an overweight elephant? An overweight lion? No! We are the only species that is overweight. And that is because we are eating the wrong kind of food”, she says to nodding heads. She also shared research that showed a 4 year old happy meal which was still intact. “When the bacteria itself cannot digest the burger, because it is injected with preservatives, how can we?”

The perfect foods, according to her, are foods that we look at and salivate like fresh fruits and vegetables. “Who would salivate if a chicken walks by? We only do it when it becomes a dish. That is conditioning. But it is not inherent”.




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Rekha Joly

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